Darmas Pollaran (4)Full unit name: Pollaran, Darmas
Last updated: 12.07.2024 23:28:12
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (8)
The Gambler (3) »
  • Was a member of Information Broker
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Corso Riggs
    Everything on Coruscant is huge. You see those city towers as we flew in? How many people you figure live in those? Millions?
    You've never been off Ord Mantell in your life, have you?
    Corso Riggs
    Don't go making assumptions. I've just never been here.
    Looks like some of the city towers lost a few levels.
    Corso Riggs
    Heard the Sith Empire hit this planet pretty hard. Even knocked the Jedi Temple off its pedestal. Wanna find Skavak before we're too old to shoot straight? We're gonna need local help.
    Got someone particular in mind?
    Corso Riggs
    I happen to know the perfect guy. There's a gambler named Darmas Pollaran who keeps tabs on everything worth knowing about Coruscant. Viidu called him an "information broker." When Darmas isn't playing sabacc, he buys and sells the kind of answers we need. Good man. You'll like him.
    Where do we find this Darmas?
    Corso Riggs
    Viidu always said if you look for a sabacc table surrounded by beautiful women, you'll find Darmas, but I can narrow that down. I still have Viidu's holofrequency contacts, and Darmas is one of them. Give me a second, and we'll talk to the man himself....
    Darmas Pollaran
    Corso, is that you? It's been too long, you rascal. What brings you to Coruscant?
    Corso Riggs
    A friend and I are in a real bind. Is there a place we can meet you?
    Darmas Pollaran
    Of course. Come to my private cantina booth. I'm here now, winning my tenth hand of sabacc against a very persistent Rodian. Hope you don't mind the occasional blaster fire; the cantina's in a rowdy part of Coruscant.
    We just came from a war zone. We're used to blaster fire.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Had a feeling you were more than a tourists. I look forward to meeting you in person. I expect it will brighten my day considerably.
    Corso Riggs
    Keep your comlink channel open, Darmas. I've got some bad news about Viidu.
  • Corso Riggs, Voidhound
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darmas Pollaran
    Welcome, my friend. I'm Darmas Pollaran, sabacc player and information resource without equal.
    Nice to meet you. I'm the fastest blaster in the galaxy.
    Darmas Pollaran
    I guess congratulations are in order. I wasn't aware that competition had been settled. Good for you.
    Sorry to hear about Viidu. He was a man of refined tastes and a terrible card player. I'll truly miss him. Life is like sabacc. The trick is to quit while you're ahead and enjoy your winnings - exactly how I'll spend my twilight years.
    I'll drink to that.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Who needs luck? With the right preparation and a flexible strategy, a man can be ready for anything life throws at him - even death. Now, I know this isn't a social call. Corso says you have troubles, and I'm prepared to help.
    A man named Skavak stole my freighter and brought it here.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Having met Skavak, I understand completely. Corso mentioned a cargo hold full of stolen blasters and the infamous Rogun the Butcher, too. My sympathies.
    Rogun the Butcher put a bounty on my head. I want it removed.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Not much I can do about that, except find the man who got you into trouble. Skavak is well known in the galactic underworld. He's earned death sentences across the galaxy for everything from armed robbery to kidnapping. He's known to be in the Sith Empire's pocket, and he even cheats at cards. I'm happy to help you find him.
    If there's one thing I hate, it's a card cheat.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Oh, my... beauty, intelligence and fine moral values - what's not to like about that combination? In my book, if you can only win by cheating you shouldn't be playing the game at all.
    Soon as Corso mentioned Skavak's name, I alerted all my best informants. I'm getting some interesting leads.
    Corso Riggs
    What did I tell you, Captain? Darmas can find out anything. We'll have Skavak in no time.
    How much do you want for your information, Darmas?
    Darmas Pollaran
    Nothing, my friend. I couldn't live with myself, taking advantage of a man who lost his starship. Skavak recently used the services of a data slicer named Kixi in the Migrant Merchants' Guild headquarters. Quite talented, I hear.
    What would Skavak need with a data slicer? More of Skavak's girlfriends. I'll say this: The man has a way with women.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Slicers are masters at cracking codes and manipulating data. Miscreant like Skavak'll have all sorts of nefarious uses for such talent. And I don't think it's a romantic relationship. Skavak doesn't cavort with aliens - even near-humans like Kixi.
    What do you know about this guild?
    Darmas Pollaran
    It's made up of aliens who lost their homes in the war. The guild's original goal was self-preservation, but lately they've become... greedy. Kixi might be able to help you flush Skavak out of hiding. Be careful, though - the guild is well armed and doesn't like outsiders. Excuse me, but I notice some delightful young ladies in desperate need of attention. Duty calls.
  • Corso Riggs, Voidhound
Identity Crisis (2) »
  • Was a member of Information Broker
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darmas Pollaran
    An informant spotted you leaving the Migrant Merchants' Guild. I trust Kixi was useful?
    Kixi did a real number on Skavak's identity record.
    Darmas Pollaran
    On a world this crowded with people and technology, he can't hide for long.
    My sources reveal Skavak is doing business with the Black Sun gang. A dangerous friendship for all sorts of reasons. Black Sun is notorious for keeping holorecordings of all their meetings. No doubt they've preserved the highlights of Skavak's visit.
    I doubt Black Sun lets just anybody peek at their holos. Bring me up to speed on this gang.
    Darmas Pollaran
    After the Empire sacked Coruscant, the worst criminal scum organized and called themselves Black Sun. A bit theatrical, if you ask me. Black Sun made a fortune extorting corrupt officials using their holorecordings. Nowadays, the gang records everything "just in case." Black Sun fragments its recordings over several computers to prevent unauthorized viewing. You'll have to assemble the relevant footage by accessing each computer. I should warn you, Black Sun controls an entire sector of Coruscant. They're thugs with the most horrible manners. Do be careful. Good luck.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
Hot Pursuit (3) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darmas asked Juul and Jiik, his informants, to track down Skavak.
  • Juul, Jiik
  • Was a member of Information Broker
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darmas Pollaran
    Having some trouble with bounty hunters, Captain?
    Only a little. I can't help it if I'm popular with all the wrong people. You're supposed to know everything. Why didn't you warn me about them?
    Darmas Pollaran
    Being famous has its drawbacks, doesn't it? I didn't see those wild cards coming until it was too late.
    Got anything for me about Skavak?
    Darmas Pollaran
    He's still hiding beneath whatever rock he crawled under--but I expect that will change soon. I hear Black Sun's on an emergency recruitment drive, and you had an altercation at the spaceport. I take it my lead was worthwhile.
    No matter how close I get, I still can't catch Skavak. I need the best information you've got.
    Darmas Pollaran
    You're receiving it, I assure you. These things take time. While we wait for Skavak to make his next move, perhaps we could play a little sabacc?
    Corso Riggs
    I saw that one coming....
    Darmas Pollaran
    Corso, don't be such a spoilsport. What do you say, Captain? First game's on me.
    On second thought, how about we play a little pazaak?
    Darmas Pollaran
    I'm afraid I've never been a fan. Its strategy has always felt a bit shallow.
    What's the harm in a friendly game of cards?
    Corso Riggs
    Don't say I didn't warn you, Captain.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Sabacc is the sport of spacers - everyone who's anyone plays it. Get us a round of drinks, won't you, Corso? There's a good man. Let's deal some cards....
    playing sabacc...
    Darmas Pollaran
    You win again. That was... very impressive.
    Corso Riggs
    Impressive? The captain just cleaned your chrono, Darmas.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Hmm. I'd say you've played this game before.
    I never said I was a beginner.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Then I'm a victim of my assumptions. Well played, my friend. Hold on, I'm receiving an alert from my network. This may be what we've been waiting for.... Looks like your efforts have paid off, Captain. My informants just witnessed Skavak fighting someone and fleeing into Justicars' territory. We have him!
    Who are these "Justicars"?
    Darmas Pollaran
    They're vigilantes - self-appointed "judges" of a whole city sector. Executioners is more like it.
    Did your informants say who Skavak was fighting?
    Darmas Pollaran
    An alien of some sort, according to this report. Very peculiar.
    Tell me where I'm going, Darmas.
    Darmas Pollaran
    You're headed into one of the most dangerous parts of Coruscant. The Justicars don't tolerate outsiders in their sector. They've been known to "punish" non-humans simply for being alien. Skavak must truly be desperate to risk his life going there. You'll want to avoid the Justicars unless you're particularly hungry for a fight. They're all ex-soldiers and armed to the teeth.
    My informants are a brother and sister named Jiik and Juul. They know where to find Skavak. I'll tell them you're coming. Play your hand carefully in the Justicar sector. My instincts tell me Skavak hasn't shown all his cards yet.
    I'll keep that in mind.
    Darmas Pollaran
    Good luck to you, Captain. I hope you make Skavak pay all his debts.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
Darmas Pollaran was a human male who lived during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
An avid gambler and unrepentant ladies' man he was an information broker
Information Broker
operating out of Coruscant
's old Galactic Market cantina called the Dealer's Den. His network of informants and confidantes extended to Coruscant's meanest, roughest and deepest levels. Darmas charged a high premium for his data and contacts, supplementing his sizable income with his gambling at the card game known as sabacc.
See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Information Broker
All characters this character met
Show all (3)DetailsThe GamblerIdentity CrisisHot Pursuit
Corso Riggs
Show all (3)DetailsThe GamblerIdentity CrisisHot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
Known subordinates, assistants, aides or other individuals on payroll
Show all (2)DetailsHot Pursuit (Informant)Due Process (Informant)
Show all (2)DetailsHot Pursuit (Informant)Due Process (Informant)
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Full unit name: Pollaran, Darmas Last updated: 12.07.2024 23:28:12